Seven Golden Candlesticks

Seven Golden Candlesticks

Seven Golden Candlesticks is a medium-size shrub around 10 feet tall, leaves like a Foetid Cassia but it larger, sprout in a pair with 2 inches wide, 4 inches, The leaves are thick, hard, rough, long and oval shape with a round on the end. The flower is a bright yellow color, bloom as a bouquet at the end of the branch. One bouquet consists of many small flowers that start to bloom on the base to the top. The bouquet is about 2 feet tall. The old flower is bloom in a sheath. The big sheath has a flange. Old heath has a dark brown to black stems and broken along the long line.

Seven Golden Candlesticks is a native plant of America.

Seven Golden Candlesticks is easy to grow in the river basin.

It can be reproducing by seed propagation from a sheath.

Seven Golden Candlesticks may be planted as an ornamental plant, because it gives the strange and beautiful yellow flowers. Flowers usually bloom after November or December, but usually bloom throughout the year. In addition, it has a herbal properties, such as leaves have Anthraquinone substance and astringent taste, use to coat the outside to cure eczema, scabies and dermatitis by mash the leaves to mixed with garlic, the juice from the leaves mixed with clear water can cure eczema, leaves can make a medicine, flower mixed with alcohol used as a laxative. Toasting Seven Golden Candlesticks leaves and mixed with water instead of tea can be a laxative and can be an element astringent.

Seven Golden Candlesticks

Seven Golden Candlesticks

Seven Golden Candlesticks


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